(Cost per 500 impressions. Ads billed every 1,000 impressions.)
Billboard (970 x 250 px) | $100/500 impressions |
Super Leaderboard (970 x 90 px) | $75/500 impressions |
Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) | $50/500 impressions |
* Additional advertising spots | TBD |
IEHA follows IAB (IAB.net) Standards for digital advertising. Basic specifications for ad formats are:
Billboard (970 x 250 px) | Max Initial Filesize: 200kb, Max Duration: 30 sec |
Super Leaderboard (970 x 90 px) | Max Initial Filesize: 200kb, Max Duration: 15 sec |
Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) | Max Initial Filesize: 200kb, Max Duration: 15 sec |
Full specs available here:
IAB Advertising Guidelines
Supported advertising formats:*
Image-based (GIF, PNG, JPG)
HTML 5 (animated, interactive, dynamic)
*NOTE: Due to declining support, Flash (.swf) based advertising will not be accepted.
Need assistance producing advertising? IEHA has contracted with design company Pixeleau to offer advertising production, using your assets and message, for a nominal fee.
IEHA E-Newsletters are distributed to IEHA's approximately 4862 subscribers once a week and contains information and news related to the professional cleaning industry. Sponsors may contribute up to one informational/educational news piece or case study to include with a one month agreement.
1-week | $500 |
1-month | $1,000 |
3-month | $2,000 |
6-month | $4,000 |
Sponsorship of a single promotional email blast to IEHA’s 2431 readers. In order to increase open rates, we recommend providing informational content related to the product or service, positioning it as an “educational bulletin.” The advertiser is to provide all copy and/or HTML for the blast.
Single Blast | $1,000 |
IEHA will promote your product or service through its Facebook and Twitter page, recognizing the product’s value to members of our organization. The promotion will include a 25-50 word shout-out and product image.
Single "Shout Out" | $500 |